Project Satiation



Fully-refereed publications

  • Duif, I., Wegman, J., Mars, MM., de Graaf, C., Smeets, PAM. & Aarts, E. (2020). Effects of distraction on taste-related neural processing: a cross-sectional fMRI study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in the press.
  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars,M., de Graaf, C., Smeets, PAM. (2020). How oro-sensory exposure and eating rate affect satiation and associated endocrine responses—a randomized trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nqaa067.


  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars M., de Graaf, C, Smeets, PAM. (2019). Endocrine cephalic phase responses to food cues – weighing the evidence. Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Utrecht, NL.
  • Lasschuijt, MP., Camps G., Koopman, Y., Smeets, PAM. (2019). Unaware of the amount consumed: systematic error in food- and drink intake estimation. Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Utrecht, NL. (poster presentation)
  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars M., de Graaf, C., Smeets, PAM. (2019). A full brain: Brain(stem) responses to tasting chocolate milk over the course of satiation. Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Utrecht, NL. (poster presentation)


Fully refereed publications

  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars, M., de Graaf, C, Smeets, PAM. (2018). Exacting Responses: Lack of Endocrine Cephalic Phase Responses Upon Oro-Sensory Exposure. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9: 332.

Presentations and posters

  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars, M., Miquel-Kergoat, S., de Graaf, C., Smeets, PAM. (2018). Effects of oro-sensory exposure on cephalic phase responses and satiation. Eetprikkel, Utrecht, NL. (nominated best poster presentation)
  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars, M., de Graaf C., Smeets, PAM. (2018). Oro-sensory exposure or eating rate? Effects on satiation and associated endocrine responses. Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Bonita Springs, USA. (New Investigator Travel Award, oral presentation).


Fully-refereed publications

  • Lasschuijt, M., Mars, M., Stieger, M., Miquel-Kergoat, S., de Graaf, C. & Smeets, P. (2017). Comparison of oro-sensory exposure duration and intensity manipulations on satiation. Physiology and Behavior, 176: 76-83.

Presentations and posters

  • Lasschuijt, MP., Mars, M., Miquel-Kergoat, S., de Graaf, C., Smeets, PAM. (2017). Effects of oro-sensory exposure on cephalic phase responses and satiation. The British Feeding and Drinking Group Annual Meeting, Reading, UK, 2017. (poster presentation)


Presentations and posters

  • Lasschuijt, M., Miquel-Kergoat, S., Mars, M., Stieger, M., de Graaf, C. & Smeets, P. (2016). Effects of oro-sensory exposure manipulations on satiation. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Food Oral Processing, Lausanne (Switzerland).
  • Lasschuijt, M., Miquel-Kergoat, S., Mars, M., Stieger, M., de Graaf, C. & Smeets, P. (2016). Effects of oro-sensory exposure manipulations on satiation. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Porto, Portugal. (Gerard P. Smith Award for best oral presentation).